--Back pain due to the build-up of stools pressing on the nerves in your lower back
--A swollen tummy
--High or low blood pressure
--A fast heart rate
--A fever
--Feeling or being sick
--Abdominal pain
--Explosive diarrhea
While most constipation related issues resolve themselves with time, chronic constipation may require medical assistance. If you’ve had constipation related symptoms for more than three weeks, have severe stomach pain or spot blood in your stool, you should speak with your doctor.
Without treatment, chronic constipation may also result in the following complications:
--Hemorrhoids (swollen veins around your anus)
--Anal Fissures (tears in your skin)
--Rectal Prolapse (Straining can cause a small amount of the rectum to stretch and protrude from the anus)
--Fecal Impaction